Design, manufacture and installation of stores: Commo Lotus Shop, Salaya, Nakhon Pathom

Last updated: 17 Jun 2021  |  8116 Views  | 

Commo Lotus Shop, Salaya, Nakhon Pathom, a mobile repair shop and sell new-standard mobile devices


Concept Design: Materials and Functionality

Shop (shop) Commo Shop
Location (location) Lotus Salaya, Nakhon Pathom
Area (area) 14 sq m.
Owner (Owner) you -

NEW Design!

Mobile repair shop and sell standard mobile devices

The structure is wide and open, designed to make the store look big and wide. Product placement by category
Mobile shop and one stop service Complete in one place

Sell ​​new machines
Selling tools 2
Estimate price
Repair service
After-sales service
Sell ​​all kinds of mobile devices

Focus on decorating the shop full of usage areas by dividing the functions of the store, showing products and accessories around the store
Modern style Highlight the light, the light wood grain texture makes it look big and wide.
Sufficient lighting on the ceiling, use the sign to exit the logo of the repair shop (especially Apple products).
Themes design and stock storage functions below.

Product shelf Alternating with hanging hook To provide product view And place a lot of products
Showcase products in the middle make a multipurpose cabinet To display and hang products to stand out
Modern, new design, perfect design

#New products #Good trading products #Mobile repair #Mobile repair #Original parts #Replacement parts #Get redemption

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